Monday, January 19, 2009

Of House Rules or biting my tongue...

Somehow, it seems that the week-long deep-freeze we've just been subjected to, on top of the continuing bus strike, recession and general distemper (oops, I think that should have been "bad temper") may have almost caused some mishaps in the yarn shop. Unfortunately, being the "Boss" means I don't get to see these occurences first-hand, since I'm kept busy in other corners. Therefore, I am updated late in the evenings by all my staff members and have the duty of compiling the data and trying to make sense of it all (good luck).

I know my staff is excellent in responding politely to all the questions and comments which come their way, but I thought that some of our customers might like to hear my (the Boss') official answers as well. I've decided to lay them out as "shop rules" -
Rule #1
Everyone is welcome - We do not discriminate based on level of income, mode of dress, tattoos, age, sex, how many kids you bring with you or whether you work for the competition and just want to scope us out.

#2 We're here to help - regardless of where you bought the yarn or the pattern (refer to Rule #1). The only thing I ask is that you actually bring your yarn and pattern in because it is nearly impossible to help you over the phone without seeing it for ourselves. Don't worry, we won't sneer!

#3 Our prices are correct - yes, I know they may be lower than you expect or may have seen elsewhere. We can't help it, we pass any manufacturer's savings on to you.

#4 Expect to compare - (overheard in the shop: "oh, I've seen this in , and this yarn too, and they have this one too!" ) My answer is that of course you will see some overlapping of product lines in all the shops. After all, we do all get our goodies from the same suppliers. This gives you, the customer, a chance to compare prices and may give you some comfort in knowing that you can get something you need right now, closer to home/work, rather than having to travel a greater distance. Each shop also carries a great variety of yarns which others may not have and again, you get the opportunity to compare prices/gauges/qualities, etc. The well-informed shopper shall never suffer from stash-deprivation!

#5 Browsing is encouraged - Let me make this perfectly clear - browsing is encouraged!! Please don't feel like you have to buy something just because you stepped through our doors. We appreciate that you need to refresh/recharge/get inspired/ or just to warm up. You're welcome to sit and knit, look through the books and magazines (don't forget our free lending library), wait for your friends to join you before you go somewhere together or just to gab with us. Don't worry, we can spot scoping from a mile away.

#6 Ask us to hold something for you - we're glad to put a yarn away for you just in case you need to check a pattern at home, or think you might need just one more ball of that dye lot. In fact, while we won't argue with you about whether you'll need it or not when you make your initial purchase (this is where we bite our tongues), we often put it away for you without you knowing!! Like that, when you do discover that you should have bought it, it's here waiting for you.

#7 Working for another shop - please refer to Rule #1. Everyone is welcome . While I don't need to go to another shop if they have the same things I do, I would hope that if I actually had the time to go see something different, I would be welcomed. We're glad to meet, talk, (yes, even shop-talk) and to share inspiration with you.

#8 Ask us about anything - we don't mind looking something up on-line for you, regardless of whether we carry it or not. You may like a particular yarn which isn't available in Canada and want to know what to replace it with, you may want to see a complete colour chart (if we don't have the shade in stock), etc. Please refer to Rule #2.

We work in a retail environment and this carries a whole bunch of rules I don't necessarily like. One of them is that you can't please everyone. There will be customers who don't like our style or the presentation or the fact that they didn't find exactly what they were looking for. Thank goodness there are many other shops in this beautiful city and we'll even call one of them to see if they have what you're looking for before you make the trek.

I've hired (and fired) many employees over the last ten years and I've agonized over each one, but I have to say that the current members of my team are absolutely the best anywhere. They are compassionate, caring, creative, polite, well-spoken (most of the time) and above all, dedicated to the craft and to the business. There is only one rule I won't abide being broken in my shop and I think you can imagine what that one is...

Happy Shopping!!

The Boss


Peach Flambée said...

I adore your store! My child was a bit of handful when I was in there today, sorry ... why is it that we never seem to visit when a bunny is there?

kokopuff said...

I'm looking forward to visiting your shop - highly recommended to me by a former Ottawa resident...

I often hear all kinds of complaints about all/most of my local haunts, and I can tell you that my experience is entirely the opposite - I've never been treated badly or unfairly in a shop, in fact quite the opposite...certainly there are shops that are more to my personal taste/style, so that's where I go. That's it.

I appreciate that you have posted your rules, and wish customers had some sometimes too - simple ones like, "be nice" and "be respectful" whether it's of the shop owners/workers/designers/other customers/yarn/etc...Afterall, the "yarn shop relationship" is two-sided!